Local news map - NJ

Welcome to our local news provider map, released in April 2020. This is our inaugural effort to map the local news providers serving New Jersey. We hope this map and its attendant search function will be useful to many audiences, including funders, academics, and the general population who want to discover local news providers near them. Please note that any changes since early 2020 are not reflected here (see below to let us know of any updates).


The map has several layers. The first two show the number of providers serving each municipality. “Total outlet count” includes broadcast outlets, while the next layer, “Local news originators,” shows only newspapers, digital-first/digital-native outlets, and a handful of public broadcast stations. The pop-up box for each municipality lists the outlets and shows the count of outlets by medium.

The purpose of the “Local news originators” layer is to highlight those outlets that are most likely to produce original local news – the stories which then circulate through an ecosystem by means of radio, television, and social media. The patterns in the Local news originators layer mirror roughly the “Median household income” layer, and the “Population density” layer – something we’ll discuss in detail in the forthcoming paper based on this data.

The municipalities with the higher numbers when the number of local news originators is weighted for population (layer “Local news originators per 10k population”) and income (layer “Local news originators per 10k income”) are those that have a density of outlets relative to those two measures. Again, we will dig into this further in the forthcoming paper.

The other layers – showing the percentage of the municipal population with a college degree or higher, municipal spending per capita, voter turnout, and whether the municipality voted Republican or Democrat in the 2016 presidential election – will be useful in identifying the structural features of a community that supports a robust local news ecosystem or does not (i.e. a local news desert).

One important note about the map: not included are several dozen outlets whose listed coverage areas were not contiguous (e.g. “the Filipino community in the tri-state area”); or are topic-based (e.g. an outlet that focuses on local climate coverage), or who do not have geographically concentrated audiences. These outlets will be included in the forthcoming analysis but were not able to be mapped in the way that the other local outlets shown here were.

A next step will be to identify, using the data mapped here, the local news ecosystems in New Jersey. One way to do this would be by performing cluster analyses to discover the municipalities that are most often covered together (or not covered together, as the case may be).

Click on any municipality to see the list of outlets that say they serve that municipality (our content analysis, forthcoming, will investigate which municipalities actually show up in the online coverage of the outlet).

You may zoom in to see the names of larger cities and towns to find specific areas, or hover over the map to see the names of individual municipalities.

Because this map is a pilot on which we hope to iterate, we welcome all comments and suggestions for improvements or updates; please email Research Director Sarah Stonbely at stonbelys@montclair.edu or by clicking here.


  • 565 municipalities, 21 counties
  • 620 outlets represented (of 779)
  • 495 Local News Originators (of 581)
  • 113 ethnic news providers
  • Highest number of local news originators serving a single municipality: 24
  • Lowest number of local news originators serving a single municipality: 0

The outlets below are not represented on the map because their coverage areas are not geographically contiguous, are topic-based, or are too diffuse.

Name of outlet Website
African Sun Times, The http://africansuntimes.com/
Ahora News http://www.ahoranews.net
Al Día http://aldianews.com
Amandla http://amandlanews.com
America Oggi https://www.americaoggi.us/
Americano https://americanonewspaper.com/
Amerikai Népszava https://nepszava.us
Arab Astoria No website
Asian Journal http://asianjournal.com
Balitang America (ABS-CBN News) https://balitangamerica.tv/
Bangla Patrika http://www.banglapatrikausa.com/
Blue Jersey http://www.bluejersey.com/
Brasilians, The http://www.thebrasilians.com
Brazilian Voice http://www.brazilianvoice.com/category/bv_noticias/local
Catholic Spirit, The http://www.catholicspirit.com/
Catholic Star Herald http://www.catholicstarherald.org
Chinese News Weekly http://www.new-new.com/about.asp
CivicStory https://www.civicstory.org
Currents & Gazettes of Atlantic & Cape May Counties, The https://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/currents_gazettes/site/
Daily News No website
Delaware Currents https://www.delawarecurrents.org/
Desi Talk New York No website
Divya Bhaskar https://www.divyabhaskar.co.in
El Especial http://elespecial.com/news/el-especialito/
El Sol Latino http://elsoln1.com/
Epoch Times, The https://www.theepochtimes.com/
FilAm, The http://thefilam.net
Filipino Express, The http://www.filipinoexpress.com
Filipino Reporter, The No website
Forward https://forward.com/
Front Runner New Jersey https://frontrunnernewjersey.com/
Global Chinese Times No website
Gujarat Darpan http://gujaratdarpan.com
Gujarat Samachar https://www.gujaratsamachar.com
Gujarat Times http://gujarattimesusa.com
Hellenic News of America https://hellenicnews.com/
ICN radio http://www.icnradio.com/
Impacto No website
India Abroad https://www.indiaabroad.com
Insider NJ https://www.insidernj.com/
Irish Echo, The https://www.irishecho.com
IrishCentral. https://www.irishcentral.com/
Italian Tribune, The http://www.italiantribune.com/
Jersey Shore Hurricane News https://www.facebook.com/JerseyShoreHurricaneNews
Jersey Shore Online https://www.jerseyshoreonline.com/
JerseyVoices.com http://www.jerseyvoices.com
Jewish Exponent http://jewishexponent.com
Jewish Journal – Ocean County No website
Jewish Link NJ https://www.jewishlinknj.com/
Jewish Voice and Opinion, The https://thejewishvoiceandopinion.com/
Korea Daily http://www.koreadailyus.com/
Korea Times, The http://www.koreatimesus.com
Korean Bergen News No website
Kurier Plus No website
KYW 1060AM http://kywnewsradio.radio.com/
La Tribuna https://latribunanj.com/
La Voce di New York http://www.lavocedinewyork.com/en/
La Voz No website
Latinos Unidos de Nueva Jersey http://www.lunj.net
Main Line Suburban Life http://www.mainlinemedianews.com/mainlinesuburbanlife/
Main Line Times http://www.mainlinemedianews.com/mainlinetimes/
Metro Philadelphia http://www.metro.us/philadelphia
My Central Jersey https://www.mycentraljersey.com/
New Jersey Business https://njbmagazine.com/
New Jersey Business Daily https://njbusinessdaily.com/
New Jersey Buzz https://newjerseybuzz.com/
New Jersey Catholic No website
New Jersey Farmer, The https://americanfarmpublications.com/the-new-jersey-farmer/
New Jersey Globe https://newjerseyglobe.com/
New Jersey Jewish News https://njjewishnews.timesofisrael.com/
New Jersey Monthly http://www.njmonthly.com/
New Jersey News Network (NJNN) / WJLP-TV http://wjlp3.com/
New Jersey Public Radio (WNYC) https://www.wnyc.org/series/new-jersey-public-radio/
New Jersey Revolution Radio http://njrevolutionradio.com/
New Jersey Tech Weekly http://www.njtechweekly.com/
New Tang Dynasty TV No website
New York Times, The http://nytimes.com/
News India Times http://www.newsindiatimes.com
news12 New Jersey http://newjersey.news12.com/
NJ Environment News http://njenvironmentnews.com
NJ Spotlight http://www.njspotlight.com/
NJ.com http://www.nj.com/
NJBiz http://www.njbiz.com/
NJToday.net http://www.njtoday.net/
NJTV https://www.njtvonline.org/news/
northjersey.com http://www.northjersey.com/
Noticiero Columbiano Hispano http://www.noticierohispano.com/
Nowy Dziennik Polish Weekly http://www.dziennik.com
Nubian News, The No website
Observer http://www.politickernj.com/
OSM! http://justcliqit.com
Philadelphia Inquirer http://www.philly.com/inquirer/
Philadelphia News https://thephilanews.com/
Philadelphia Tribune, The http://www.phillytrib.com/
Philadelphia Weekly http://www.philadelphiaweekly.com/
Philly Voice https://www.phillyvoice.com/
Pinas USA No website
PLUS http://www.tygodnikplus.com
Post Eagle, The https://www.posteaglenewspaper.com/
Reporte Hispano http://www.reportehispano.com/
ROI http://www.roi-nj.com/
Save Jersey https://savejersey.com/
Shelterforce Magazine https://shelterforce.org/
Sing Tao Daily https://www.singtaousa.com
Sino Monthly New Jersey http://www.sino-monthly.com
South Philly Review https://southphillyreview.com/
Southern Ocean Times, The No website
State Broadcast News https://statebroadcastnews.com/category/garden/
Tri-State Voice https://www.tristatevoice.com/
TV Asia http://www.tvasiausa.com
U.S. China Press, The http://www.uschinapress.com
Ukrainian Weekly, The http://www.ukrweekly.com
Urdu News http://thepakistaninewspaper.com/
WABC-TV https://abc7ny.com/new-jersey/
WACP-TV No website
WADB-AM https://mybeachradio.com/
Wall Street Journal, The https://www.wsj.com/
WCAU-TV https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/
WCHR-AM https://1057thehawk.com/
WDPN-TV No website
WFMZ-TV http://www.wfmz.com/
WGHT-AM https://www.wghtradio.com/
WGLS-FM https://wgls.rowan.edu/
WHYY-FM https://whyy.org/news/
WIFI-AM http://www.wifiam1460.com/index.php
WNET-TV https://www.wnet.org/
WNJB-FM No website
WNJN-FM No website
WNJN-TV No website
WNJU-TV https://www.telemundo47.com/
WNTP-AM https://newstalk990.com/
WNYE-FM https://www1.nyc.gov/site/media/radio/radio-home.page
WNYM-AM https://am970theanswer.com/
WOBM-AM https://mybeachradio.com/
WOBM-FM https://wobm.com/
World Journal https://www.worldjournal.com/
WPAT-AM No website
WPHT-AM http://1210wpht.radio.com/
WPPT-TV No website
WQAV-CD No website
WQXR-FM No website
WSJO-FM https://sojo104No website.com/
WTTM-AM No website
WTXF-TV http://www.fox29.com/
WURD AM/FM https://wurdradio.com/
WUVP-DT https://www.univision.com/philadelphia/wuvp
WVLT-FM https://www.wvlt.com/
WVNJ-AM No website
WVPH-FM http://www.thecore.fm/public/index.php
WWOR-TV http://www.my9nj.com
WWRL-AM http://radiozindagi.com/newyork/
WWRU-AM https://www.am1660.com/
WWRV-AM http://www.radiovision.net/
WWSI-TV https://www.telemundo62.com/
WWTR-AM https://www.ebcmusic.com/
WXTV-TV No website
Yeshiva World, The https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/
Zaman Amerika http://zamanamerika.com/